Monthly Archives January 2017

Day of the Three Kings

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For Kids:

The day of the Three Kings, also called Epiphany, is celebrated in many homes around the world on Jan 6th each year.

Since the Three Kings ride camels, the night before Three Kings Day, on January 5th, kids leave their shoes or an empty box stuff with straw or grass either outside their home or under their bed, to give the magical camels something to eat. In the morning, the straw is gone and little toys and candies are left in its place.

This holiday tradition is not just for kids. Some Hispanic traditions include the relatives! Close relatives also put a box under their beds filled with grass or straw for the camels. In the morning, the grass is gone. In its place are gifts for the children in the family.

There is a special bread that is baked for Three Kings Day called Rosca...

Happy New Year 2017!

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We are at the ending point of this year. Just thought I should thank everyone who made me smile. You are of them so here goes… thank you and a very happy new year!

Every New Year gives you the perfect chance to start something new and fresh. So do your bit this year and make the world a better place for yourself and others. Happy New Year 2017!